Utley Travel Award
The Joe R. and Joella F. Utley and Streitwieser Foundation Travel Awards
The Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Student Travel Support Award was established at the 23rd Annual Early Brass Festival in Spartanburg, SC, in 2007 in memory of the collector and long-time HBS member Joe R. Utley http://orgs.usd.edu/nmm/UtleyPages/JoeUtley/Utley.html. Established in 2007 and funded to 2019, it aimed to encourage and help college and university students aged 35 years or under, officially enrolled in accredited academic programs and having career interests that relate to the purposes of the Historic Brass Society, to attend the Society’s various events. The Utley Award consisted of a student membership in the Society for one year and partial financial support for travel and lodging in an amount determined by the Award Committee. The Utley Award is no longer funded but over the years it enabled a number of young people to attend Historic Brass Society events that otherwise would not have been able to attend.
The Streitwieser Foundation provides travel support for scholars and performers attending and presentiong or performing at the Early Brass Festival. This grant assists those who are no longer full-time students and is especiall helpful for those who are either not affiliated with an institution or whose institutions do not have the means to support their conference travel.
Those interested in applying for the Streitwieser award are incouraged to email the Secretary for more information on the application procedure.