HBS Personnel

HBS Personnel - 2024 Membership Year


HBS Executive Committee

Elisa Koehler, President
Steven Plank, Vice President/President-Elect
Cody Beard, Treasurer
Joanna Hersey, Secretary
Nick Harvey, Technical Director

HBS Board of Directors

Cody Beard, Treasurer
Jason Dovel (2023-2025)
Joanna Hersey, Secretary
Elisa Koehler, President (2024-2025)
Steven Lundahl (2022-2024)
Liza Malamut (2024-2026)
Scott Muntefering (2023-2025)
Steven Plank, Vice President/President-Elect (2024-2027)
Adrian von Steiger (2021-2023)

* The changes to the By-Laws as adopted in November 2020 states that Directors serve a 3-year term and may stand for relection for one additional term. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are also members of the Board. (See the By-Laws for more details on the structure and governing procedures of the Historic Brass Society.)

Historic Brass Journal Editorial Staff

Stewart Carter, Co-Editor
Howard Weiner, Co-Editor
Benny Sluchin, Production Editor
Audrey C. Manganaro, Social Media Editor

Historic Brass Journal Editorial Board

Stewart Carter
Trevor Herbert
Kenneth Kreitner
Arnold Myers (Membership elected term 2022-2024)
Janet Page
Steven Plank
Helen Roberts
Howard Weiner

Historic Brass Today Editorial Staff

Michael O'Connor, Managing Editor
Helen Roberts - Production Manager
Nick Harvey - Technical Assistant

Additional HBS Staff

Ann Bundy, Office Manager