News & Events

HBS Launches Youtube Channel

For those interested in viewing some of our recent activities (concerts, conferences, etc.) we've started placing videos on Youtube. The first videos are from the recent James Reese Europe conference. We've got a page (listed under "features" and "additional content" on the menu) on our website by clicking here. The videos are on our new Youtube channel too, so you can subscribe or view them by clicking this link.

John Wallace online Brass Camp (July 2020)

John and the Wallace Collection, in conjunction with St. Andrews University, are hosting a FREE online Brass Camp for students of all levels and ages, anywhere in the world on 3 Saturdays July 11, 18 & 25. 2pm BST (9am EDT). It includes historical information sessions with Arnold Myers and Peter Holmes, as well as playing sessions leading to a final virtual concert.
More details and registration at:

Vienna Talk 2020 Postponed

Vienna Talk 2020, at which the HBS was scheduled to present a special lecture session, has been postponed due to coronavirus. Originally planned for September 2020, organizers are tentatively planning on moving it to September 2022. For further information and updates visit

Peter Ecklund (1945–2020)

Longtime HBS member trumpeter Peter Ecklund passed away on April 8, 2020 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. Peter was a rare musician who possessed a reserved personality, sharp wit, inquisitive mind, and was one of the most inventive and brilliant cornet players in the early jazz world. He was eager to explore a wide range of musical genres from natural trumpet, English slide trumpet, 19th century cornet repertoire to the world of early jazz, where he was a true star.

Edward H. Tarr (1936-2020)

tarrtarr2Edward H. Tarr (1936–2020), the pre-eminent baroque trumpeter of the twentieth century, has died at 83 following a period of illness.  Tarr’s long career as a brilliant and expressive performer, a tireless scholar, and devoted teacher was of enormous influence in shaping the revival of historic brass instruments.  His recordings and concerts stimulated considerable interest in the natural trumpet, an interest that he furthered with numerous editions of trumpet works, a rich body of pedagogical and musicological publication, and close work with the instrument makers Ewald Meinl and Rainer Egger in the reconstruction of instruments inspired by Wolf Wilhelm Haas, Hans Hainlein, and Johann Leonhard Ehe III.  But crowning all of this was his beauty of sound and a highly cultivated sense of style that would entice and inspire generations of players and listeners throughout the world.

April Symposium Cancelled

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, with the difficulty of travel and the importance of social distancing, we have cancelled our April 17 Symposium.

We are already working to reschedule, with a very possible date in late May of 2021 in the greater New York area. Please be patient as we coordinate with other organizations to bring this together. We will put out a new Call for Presentations as soon as we have a date and location confirmed, and will continue to update both the website and the Facebook page with additional details. Meanwhile, we hope everyone stays healthy and safe, and we look forward to seeing you all in the future.

UNESCO Application and Conference

The programme of the International Conference that will take place at the Venaria Reale Palace (Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Rele") on February 20-21 is available for download. The works will be followed by a concert open to a wider public (Feb. 21st 17.30 h) in the Hall of Diana. The Hall is decorated with the original cycle of paintings (1659-1661) by Jan Miel which depict various phases of vènerie at the court of Savoy, showing about 20 circular horns. The paintings are quite possibly the earliest european iconographical source for the employment of circular horns in hunting.

The practice "The musical Art of Hunting Horn players" will undergo UNESCO evaluation in the year 2020 (for details on the application click here). The international application (Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg)  refers to the nomination of the art in the UNESCO representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanities. In this phase the application only refers to the french hunting horn, trompe de chasse, but the common origin of the instrument and practice at 17th century europen courts hunting ceremonial, and the parallel impact in diffferent musical contexts, as art music, might involve, hopefully, a further more inclusive application.

Pond Life: British-American Crosscurrents in Brass

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, with the difficulty of travel and the importance of social distancing, we have cancelled our April 17 Symposium.

We are already working to reschedule, with a very possible date in late May of 2021 in the greater New York area. Please be patient as we coordinate with other organizations to bring this together. We will put out a new Call for Presentations as soon as we have a date and location confirmed, and will continue to update both the website and the Facebook page with additional details. Meanwhile, we hope everyone stays healthy and safe, and we look forward to seeing you all in the future